Friday, December 18, 2009

Reflection - Week 5

As I began this course, I was a little excited to learn more about technology and how as an administrator I can help my campus and staff integrate technology within the classroom but more importantly, how students could utilize the technology. In one of the first readings I read, the author talked about how we have to prepare students to be global citizens in the 21st century and that technology is the bridge for our students to connect worldwide. I think the students already know this, but I recognized that I am really behind the curve when it comes to technology. I think for the most part the course achieved its outcomes and helped me see the importance and benefits of staying abreast of what is happening within the technological world and helping my staff do the same. I think we have a long way to go, but I know personally I am trying to be more willing to try technologies that I have felt far exceeded my capabilities. That is definitely not true and there is a lot for me to learn.
I believe one of the most relevant outcomes was looking at professional development and thinking about and finding different ways to help teachers and students have more mastery over the programs, applications, and devices in technology and using them as a means for instruction, understanding, and connections in their quest for real world success. As I look at what the administration and staff are doing on our campus, I feel much of what I learned through this course is relevant in moving school districts forward and in being competitive in the global marketplace. We are headed in the right direction, but it takes time and money to move forward so sometimes we have to be OK with the pace at which we get there.
I do not believe I achieved the whole blogging practice. I felt good after my first two attempts and succeeded in posting my blog; I even uploaded a power point I created, but after that, when my document was too big, I became very frustrated and just gave up. I related to students in my classroom as they get frustrated and give up as well. I also would like to work on designing and implementing strategies for teachers in integrating technology within the classroom. The biggest compliant I heard these past few weeks as I asked around campus about technology in the classroom was that there is not enough time in a 50 minute class and the frustration when the technology doesn’t work. These are variables that must be addressed if the district wants their technology goals to be met.
For the most part I was successful in carrying out the course assignments, but I became very frustrated after week one when I felt the rules changed in regards to the discussion boards. I know it was poor timing, but between Thanksgiving and Christmas, there is so much going on within the schools and then to have the enormity of the assignments, the readings, and the discussions all combined was a bit over the top for me. I did not achieve all I could have achieved within the discussions; I cut corners and did what I had to do to get my posts done, but I feel like I could have been more successful and gotten more out of the readings if that pressure wasn’t there every week. I understand the importance of the discussion boards, but the requirements were a little too much for me given the time of year this class fell.
I did learn a lot from the readings and will take away much information regarding the technology that is out there to shoot for as an administrator. I think that the schools must find a way to lessen the rules in regards to technology and allow more access of the students and their technological devices. That is their gateway to the world and educators can truly use them in a very engaging and educational way for students to connect to the world. I also learned that I can learn about technology without being so intimidated. It is a matter of trying, exploring, and asking for help along the way. I had several colleagues at my campus that helped me throughout this course, and they didn’t hesitate to show me how to upload a power point. I also learned that to be an administrator I really do need to know more about technology and to set the example for the staff; I have to step up my game and lead as I would want my staff to lead their students.
Blogs are very interesting and something I have given much thought to over this course. I see blogs as a means of communication for very specific reasons. It is a way to connect a group of people without being present face to face. They can take the form of journaling or reflecting; I see blogs as a fundamental piece of the 21st century education to come. And I see ways in which school districts across the nation to utilize blogs as a way to stay connected to the community, teachers, and students. For example, I can see school board members blogging about certain issues that arise within the district and communicating with their constituents. I can see students blogging about a book they are reading and posting comments about their thoughts and reactions to a certain theme or character and having the teacher respond with his or her thoughts as well. Blogging is definitely a tool I would like to use more of as an educator.

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